
Should I Put Hashtags In My Twitter Profile

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Y'all have likely seen #hashtags everywhere. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and many other social networking apps encourage the use of hashtags to create instant connections with other users. When another searches for a hashtag, they'll see some or all of the shared content that contains that hashtag. This wikiHow teaches yous how to utilise hashtags in the Twitter app besides as on

Things You Should Know

  • Hashtags are used to index keywords and link conversations on Twitter.
  • Click a hashtag to view all of the tweets that contain that hashtag.
  • Adding your ain hashtags to tweets is simple as placing the hash (or pound) symbol before a word or phrase.
  1. 1

    Empathise the role of hashtags on Twitter. The universe of Twitter is vast and can be a little confusing to navigate. Hashtags are one of the near of import and efficient ways of indexing keywords and topics on Twitter.[1] Anyone can make a hashtag at any time, simply by typing a word (or series of connected words) using the class #topic in a tweet.

    • For instance, if yous were tweeting about reading this article, y'all might say "Reading #wikiHow article on using #hashtags with #Twitter." And then, anybody searching for #wikiHow, #hashtags, or #Twitter would see your tweet.
    • After a hashtag has been created, other Twitter users tin use that hashtag in their own tweets to add to the larger conversation virtually that topic. Hashtags can be as general (#wikiHow) or every bit specific (#USPresidentialElection2020) as desired. They are a completely organic form of organization, created and managed by Twitter users, not Twitter itself.
  2. 2

    Click a hashtag in a tweet to view all tweets using that hashtag. A quick coil through your Twitter field should display a diversity of hashtags used past unlike people yous follow. When yous click or tap a hashtag, you'll exist taken to the search results page that displays other tweets containing that hashtag.

    • The list of hashtags automatically displays the Acme tweets containing that hashtag. To see the hashtag search results in gild with the most contempo at the tiptop, click or tap the Latest tab above the results.
    • You can also go to a search results page by entering the #searchterm in the search field above the list of tweets.


  3. 3

    Apply Twitter's Avant-garde Search with hashtags. When you search for a hashtag, you'll see a list of tweets using that hashtag in the search results. But what if you want to narrow down that search to include just those tweets that meet certain other criteria, such as containing (or omitting) sure words? That'due south where Twitter'south Advanced Search comes in. To utilise the form:

    • Search for a hashtag on Twitter.
    • On the results folio, click or tap the three dots at the top of the page and select Avant-garde search.
    • Type the hashtag into the "These hashtags" field.
    • If you want to see instances of this hashtag that contain or omit certain words or phrases, utilize the blanks in the "Words" section. For case, if you don't want to run into the word wikiHow in your hashtag search, you'd enter it into the "None of these words" blank.
    • Use the blanks in the "Accounts" department to filter results based on who fabricated the tweets, to whom the tweets were sent, or who was mentioned in the tweets.
    • In the "Filters" section, choose what types of tweets to meet—for example, if y'all simply want to see original tweets and not replies, slide the "Replies" switch to the Off position.
    • In the "Engagements" section, you lot can choose to see tweets with a certain level of engagements, such as only tweets with a minimum of 280 retweets.
    • Use the driblet-down menus in the "Dates" department to see merely tweets containing the hashtag from a certain time menstruation.
  4. 4

    View a list of electric current trending hashtags. When utilize of a hashtag becomes very popular, it usually becomes a trending topic.[2] Using trending hashtags in your own tweets can help bring attention to your account and brand. Twitter maintains an up-to-the-minute trending topics listing you lot can detect on your Explore page. Although not all trending topics volition exist in the hashtag format, you tin can click the topic to find relevant hashtags. To observe trending hashtags:

    • Using on a computer: Click the Explore tab in the left menu, and so click the Trending tab at the top.
    • Using a telephone or tablet: In the Twitter app, tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom, and and then tap the Trending tab on summit.
  5. five

    Search for a topic to find related hashtags. If yous desire to see which hashtags people are using to talk about topics like sports games, current events, and celebrities, employ the search bar to search for the topic. Depending on the topic, y'all may run into 1 or more than existing relevant hashtags in tweets about that topic that yous can include in your own tweets on the subject.


  1. 1

    Create a new tweet. Using hashtags on Twitter is a growing trend that can be highly entertaining, as everyone can—and will—piggyback on the hashtag to say anything they want. When y'all include an existing hashtag in your tweet, you'll be joining the conversation. Whether you're tweeting with the Twitter app on your phone or tablet or using on a computer, you can add together one or more hashtags to contribute your thoughts on any conversation.

  2. 2

    Observe a hashtag to utilize. Do you lot want to join an existing conversation or create your ain fresh hashtag? Since hashtags are used to index topics, you'll ordinarily want to add together an existing hashtag. However, creating a new hashtag may start a tendency. Some hashtags are manifestly meant to be lightheaded, while others are more serious. Make sure you lot find these differences if yous do not want to draw the ire of other Twitter users.

    • If you desire people to find your tweet when searching for like ideas or topics, use a trending hashtag or any popular hashtag that already exists. Make sure that your spelling is correct and that there are no spaces between the words in the hashtag. Capitalization does non matter—thus "#wikihow", "#wikiHow", and "#WikiHow" all produce the same result.
    • If you want to create your own hashtag, call up of something catchy that describes your topic that might inspire others to use it likewise. When creating your ain hashtag, you may want to include a similar existing hashtag so other people detect your tweet and encounter your new hashtag.
  3. 3

    Type your tweet and include the hashtag. A hashtag e'er begins with the hash (#) symbol, and contains a string of letters and/or numbers with no spaces or special characters. You lot'll notice that people usually add hashtags to the ends of their tweets, but there are no specific placement requirements.

    • Twitter recommends using no more than ii hashtags in a unmarried tweet. This is not a hard rule, but it'south practiced etiquette.
    • Similar all other well-meaning methods of connecting people online, hashtags can exist loaded with spam posts. People often comb through trending hashtag lists and use them in irrelevant tweets just to bring attention to their accounts. This is considered poor etiquette and could even become your tweets flagged. Simply utilize hashtags that are relevant to the topic y'all're tweeting most.
  4. 4

    Click Tweet . When you click Tweet, your new tweet will appear in your list of tweets, and the hashtag you lot entered volition become a clickable link. If you created a brand-new hashtag, your tweet should be the only one on the page. If non, your tweet will be added to the conversation that uses that hashtag.


Add New Question

  • Question

    Does every tweet demand to begin with the hashtag?



  • Question

    How do I follow Trump's tweets? Does information technology cost to join Twitter?


    Twitter is a gratuitous social media service. If yous want see someone's Tweets on your timeline, just create a Twitter account and "Follow" him/her; in the example of President Trump, this would exist @realDonaldTrump.

  • Question

    Can I add extra hashtags in a comment from my own post to attract more than people to my post?

    Community Answer

    You can, simply recollect hashtags likewise go towards the 280 character limit per tweet, so pick wisely!

  • Question

    Can I only use hashtags that are already in the feed or can I create my own?

    Community Answer

    You tin create you own hashtag, but if so people volition exist less probable to find your tweet in a search.

  • Question

    How do I add a hashtag after tweeting?

    Community Answer

    Unfortunately, tweets can't be edited later they're posted. This ways that a hashtag tin't be added after tweeting.

  • Question

    Can a hashtag take special characters? Which? = $ % & ( ) etc?

    Community Answer

    Yous can but utilise underscores, no other special characters volition work.

  • Question

    How tin I follow topics to see in my timeline on Twitter?

    Community Answer

    You can follow individual users on Twitter who mail nearly topics that involvement you, and you can also search for specific hashtags relevant to your interests.

  • Question

    What happens if I apply @ in my tweet?


    Using @ in your Tweet helps you to reply to someone publicly. If you utilize "@" in starting time of your Tweet, it's only visible to mentioned user.

  • Question

    How do I utilize @ in my tweets?

    Community Answer

    Add together someone'south user name after @. For example, "@wikiHow The illustrations on your site are stunning!"

  • Question

    Where is the hashtag on the keyboard?

    Community Answer

    On a QWERTY computer keyboard, the hashtag tin can be typed by pressing Shift and the iii key on the number row. Other computer keyboard formats may place it elsewhere. Smartphone keyboards are much more variable. On some Android keyboards, it is accessed via long-press on a letter of the alphabet cardinal. On an iPhone, press the 123 push on the keyboard to access a variety of symbols, including the hashtag.

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Twitter Tips and Tricks

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  • Do a quick search to see if your new hashtag is new, or if others have used it. If so, there may be some interesting tweets and people for you to follow.

  • If yous come across a hashtag that's an acronym that you lot tin't effigy out, a quick Google search should give yous the answer.

  • Using hashtags provides ameliorate exposure to your posts, thereby helping you get free Twitter followers.

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  • Don't utilize hashtags on every word. It won't be appreciated by the twitterverse.


About This Article

Article Summary Ten

Twitter users add together hashtags to their tweets to make their content piece of cake to find and follow. When yous search for a hashtag on Twitter, you'll get a listing of all tweets that include that hashtag. You tin can and then use the hashtag in your ain tweets to join the chat. Hashtags in tweets are clickable links—click or tap a hashtag in any tweet to view all instances of that hashtag. Y'all can so gyre through the results to see the top tweets containing that hashtag, or click Latest to view the most recent tweets first. To refine your hashtag search, click the three dots at the top of the search page and select Avant-garde search. Add the hashtag to the ""These hashtags"" field, and then customize your search—you can use the ""Accounts"" department to filter hashtags by Twitter user, the ""Words"" section to include or omit certain words and phrases, and the ""Dates"" section to see the hashtag's use from a certain time period. Want to use hashtags in your ain tweets? If you want to join an existing conversation, cheque out "trending hashtags," or search for a specific topic to see which hashtags people utilise when tweeting on that subject. Then, create a new tweet and include the hashtag in the trunk—make certain y'all type the hash symbol first, followed past the keyword or words without any spaces or special symbols. You can add multiple hashtags to a tweet if yous'd similar. When y'all click Tweet, your ideas will be added to the chat. For tips on using hashtags to search for specific information on Twitter, read on!

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